๐๏ธ Supported Models
Supported models of Casbin
๐๏ธ Syntax for Models
Syntax for Models
๐๏ธ Effector
Effector is the interface for Casbin effectors
๐๏ธ Function
Using the built-in functions or specifying your own function
๐๏ธ RBAC
Casbin RBAC usage
๐๏ธ RBAC with Pattern
RBAC with Pattern
๐๏ธ RBAC with Domains
RBAC with domains usage
๐๏ธ Casbin RBAC vs. RBAC96
Difference between Casbin RBAC and RBAC96
๐๏ธ ABAC
ABAC based on Casbin
๐๏ธ Priority Model
Priority Model
๐๏ธ Super Admin
Super Admin is the administrator of the whole system, we can use it in models like RBAC, ABAC and RBAC with domains etc